The Win-Wins Blog

Solving Corporate Culture Challenges

Purpose + People & Culture Blog series, 5

There are numerous benefits of having a Social Purpose for a Company. This series will explore how Purpose benefits your internal People and Culture to help make your company an employer of choice, in addition to being a force for good in the world (or are those the same thing?)!

The 5th of the Top Five Reasons how getting a Social Purpose for a company helps solve people and culture challenges, while doing good, is: 

It unlocks Collaboration.


In today's interconnected world, fostering collaboration isn't just a buzzword – it's necessary for success and optimizing impact.


And one of the most powerful drivers of collaboration? Social Purpose.


Social Purpose – integrated throughout your whole business – inherently requires cross-departmental collaboration. Whether it's innovating purpose focused products, championing diversity and inclusion, or finding new ways to reduce environmental impact and become a regenerative company – these demand input and expertise from all corners of the company.


As a result, silos are broken down, communication barriers dissolve, and a spirit of aligned and inspired teamwork permeates every aspect of your company culture.


Internal collaboration like that benefits employee engagement, motivation, satisfaction, and retention.


The advantages extend beyond internal teams.


Embracing a Social Purpose also opens doors to exciting collaborations with external stakeholders and partners.


A new perspective on your relationships – suppliers, vendors, retailers, charities, even customers – helps you see ways to amplify your impact in collaboration, which strengthens those partnerships and increases resilience.


See the win-win (win x 3 – your partners win as well!)?

Solving Corporate Culture Challenges

Purpose + People & Culture Blog series, 4

There are numerous benefits of having a Social Purpose for a Company. This series will explore how Purpose benefits your internal People and Culture to help make your company an employer of choice, in addition to being a force for good in the world (or are those the same thing?)!

The 4th of the Top Five Reasons how getting a Social Purpose for a company helps solve people and culture challenges, while doing good, is: 

It attracts and retains a diverse workforce (DEI)

In today's competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is a challenge – and diversity and inclusion is a priority for companies.


Good news! 


The landscape of talent acquisition has shifted, with an increasing number of job seekers prioritizing organizations that are committed to making a positive impact on society.


Why is that good news?


Well – companies with a strong Social Purpose have a distinct advantage as they appeal to diverse talent who seek meaningful work that aligns with their values and aspirations. And companies with a strong Social Purpose tend to foster inclusive and diverse workplaces.


They know that diverse teams bring a variety of perspectives, experiences, and ideas to the table, leading to innovation, creativity, and better decision-making – which, btw, are also benefits of a Purpose (it is all so beautifully intertwined!)


As a result, diverse talent feels welcomed, valued, and respected in these environments, making them more likely to choose these companies as their employers.


Look at Salesforce, a leading cloud-based software company known for its commitment to what they call “stakeholder capitalism” (that is, doing profitable business with Social Purpose).


Salesforce not only prioritizes diversity and inclusion within its own workforce but also advocates for social justice and equality on a broader scale. As they say, “We're working with employees, partners, Trailblazers, and customers to move closer to equality for all.”


Now that is a great example of how to integrate Purpose into all you do – inside and out.


And here it is, your next purpose win-win:


By prioritizing purpose alongside profit, Salesforce has not only built a highly engaged and motivated workforce – but also strengthened its position as a leader in the tech industry.

Solving Corporate Culture Challenges

Purpose + People & Culture Blog series, 3

There are numerous benefits of having a Social Purpose for a Company. This series will explore how Purpose benefits your internal People and Culture to help make your company an employer of choice, in addition to being a force for good in the world (or are those the same thing?)!

The 3rd of the Top Five Reasons how getting a Social Purpose for a company helps solve people and culture challenges, while doing good, is: 

Elevates Employee Morale


For the past 40+ years, the pursuit of profit has been the primary objective for many companies. As we know, a paradigm shift is underway as more businesses recognize the importance of addressing societal issues beyond their bottom line. This shift towards social purpose initiatives not only benefits communities and the environment but also profoundly impacts employee morale.


How does social purpose boost employee morale?


When values align – both between the company and employee, and also among peers/co-workers who choose that company – everyone feels part of something larger than themselves that contributes to the greater good.


Not only that, but involvement in advancing social purpose within their company provides employees with opportunities for personal growth and development. Under the parameters of a higher Purpose, employees can flex their creativity and ingenuity and contribute to both company and society’s success! This brings a strong sense of personal fulfillment and growth and contributes to overall morale.


Optimizing your company’s impact by addressing a specific and related societal issue through social purpose inspires and empowers employees to become agents of change, daily. Businesses that prioritize purpose alongside profit are not only more successful but also contribute to a more just, sustainable, and fulfilling world, for all.


What’s that you say? Let’s hear it again for the win-win!!!

Solving Corporate Culture Challenges

Purpose + People & Culture Blog series, 2

There are numerous benefits of having a Social Purpose for a Company. This series will explore how Purpose benefits your internal People and Culture to help make your company an employer of choice, in addition to being a force for good in the world (or are those the same thing?)!

The 2nd of the Top Five Reasons how getting a Social Purpose for a company helps solve people and culture challenges, while doing good, is: 

Employee Engagement: A clear social purpose gives employees a sense of meaning and fulfillment in their work, leading to higher levels of engagement and motivation.


When employees feel that their work contributes to a greater good, they experience a profound sense of meaning and fulfillment. This sense of purpose can be a powerful motivator, inspiring them to go the extra mile and become truly invested in the company's reason for being – beyond making profits!


For example, consider Sodexo, a food services, hospitality, and facilities management company.


At Sodexo our purpose is to create a better everyday for everyone to build a better life for all.”


Look here to read their amazing manifesto that uses powerful, transformational phrases  like: “by focusing on the concrete, on the tangible, on the everyday, that we make a real difference not only to a person’s day but, in the long run, to the lives of all and the planet.”


You can imagine that employees at Sodexo, no matter what their job is, not only perform their day-to-day tasks but also take pride in the positive impact their work has on the world – every day! This Social Purpose gives them a deeper sense of meaning, leading to higher levels of engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction.


Fostering a Culture of Engagement


To harness the power of Social Purpose, organizations must cultivate a culture that supports employee engagement with its Purpose. This can involve:


1. Clearly Communicating the Company's Social Purpose: Ensure that all employees understand how their work contributes to the greater good, and how the company's purpose aligns with their own.


2. Providing Opportunities for Involvement: Encourage employees to consider how they individually, as a team member and as part of a functional department can contribute more to the Purpose – and allow some freedom and resourcing for new ideas they may come up with – that are good for society and good for the business.


3. Recognizing and Rewarding Purpose Engagement: Celebrate employees who demonstrate a strong commitment to the company's Social Purpose and provide incentives and rewards that reinforce this behaviour.


By embedding a clear Social Purpose into the fabric of your organization, you can unlock a powerful source of employee engagement and motivation, ultimately driving long-term success and positive change.

Solving Corporate Culture Challenges

Purpose + People & Culture Blog series, 1

There are numerous benefits of having a Social Purpose for a Company. This series will explore how Purpose benefits your internal People and Culture to help make your company an employer of choice, in addition to being a force for good in the world (or are those the same thing?)!

The 1st of the Top Five Reasons how getting a Social Purpose for a company helps solve people and culture challenges, while doing good, is:  

1. Alignment of Values: Adopting and integrating a Social Purpose helps align the values of the company with those of its employees, fostering a stronger sense of belonging and commitment among the workforce.

Why does this matter? Well, when there is a misalignment, companies begin to see:

Don't get trapped in a poor company culture that is bringing your organization down. 

While the lack of alignment of values between a company and its employees can have far-reaching negative impacts on employee morale, retention, productivity, culture, and ultimately, the company's bottom line - the solution is to authentically define and integrate a best-fit Social Purpose into your company. I'd be willing to bet it will not only positively impact your employees - enhancing your ability to recruit and retain the best - but you as well. 

You can turn your company into an engine for good in the world - through Purpose. How great would that make you - as a visionary business leader - feel? 

Get in touch - we can help you discover and integrate a Social Purpose that suits your company best!

A small team, rowing together with a shared Purpose in Zimbabwe (personal photo).